Tis the season

The Annual Holiday party is this Sunday December 8th at the Barlow Shark Club starting at 1830. There will be food and drink specials, a live DJ and over $800 of door prizes courtesy of Unifor and Paladin. Please note that this event is in no way associated or supported by the employer, so please attend responsibly. This event is intended for co-workers on days off/Vacation. Please do not book off in order to attend this event. By choosing to attend this event you acknowledge that you are attending this event on your own free will and are aware that you are personally responsible for your actions including but not limited to any attendance related issues.  

We wanted to address the concerns surrounding federal day pay outs. In accordance with the MOU signed for CBA article 22, which states “Unless stated otherwise in this Letter of understanding, the MPL (Medical/Personal Leave) Terms shall apply in all respects”. If you are full time and have 4 or more days remaining, you will be paid out for them come the new year. The exact pay period is still to be determined by the company. Personal Day allowances are never paid out, only Federal sick bank balances. Part time employees’ unused days will be rolled over to next year. Remember you cannot be disciplined for using your federal days! A reminder, for any medical/sick leave that is 5 or more days in length, it may be required to provide appropriate documentation supporting the leave.  

The upcoming weeks are the busiest of the year with the holiday travel season. Please support one another during this busy period as there are many unique challenges we encounter during this time of year. Be kind and patient with one another and prioritize your health and well being during this time.  

In Solidarity 

Your Leadership team